UH law professor shares blunt reality with Colorado football S Shilo Sanders

UH law professor shares blunt reality with Colorado football S Shilo Sanders

UH law professor Meredith Duncan shared that Colorado football player Shilo Sanders won’t get special treatment for being a minor when he assaulted John Darjean, despite the nearly $12 million civil court settlement.

“Kids can be held responsible for their actions just like adults,” Duncan explained. “This applies in most states. In this case, Darjean is suing Shilo for doing something wrong and wants him to pay damages. Unlike criminal cases, being a minor doesn’t protect you from being sued. The main issue with suing a minor is that they usually don’t have any money.”

Sanders’ lawyers said in June that his age shouldn’t impact the decision to unseal his documents, as it has no bearing on his past legal protections.

“The filing states there’s no reason in Texas law or bankruptcy rules to unseal documents from Sanders’ childhood just because he is now an adult.”

Colorado football S Shilo Sanders may have sold himself out with ‘Prime Time’ bravado

Shilo’s younger brother, Shedeur Sanders, raps about flashy watches and jewelry, but a Texas law professor thinks Coach Prime’s middle son should dress casually to avoid extra scrutiny.

“If the jewelry is his, he shouldn’t wear it,” Dickerson said (via USA Today). “If it’s part of an NIL deal, he can return it. He doesn’t own it, so just give it back. A good lawyer would advise dressing plainly until the case is over.”

It seems Dickerson believes Shilo’s lawyer isn’t up to par right now. His timing isn’t as good as his brother’s before the NFL draft.

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